miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

i love medicine (human and veterinary )!

This topic really i dont like  :/ .I don't like writing on veterinary medicine or my vocation , is  matter   very complicated  for me,  because  i not study  the career that I love u.u  .

When  i was a child i always dreamed study human medicine :) I dreamed of saving lives , to operate   and work in a hospital . I liked to imagine worked  in emergency  ...I always auscultated my toys :).

 Other career options  that I had human  medicine ( that is my vocation) , marine biology and  economy . My vocation  is very  confused  jajajaja .!

I decided study veterinary medicine  because I thought that I would like, because I had biology,pharmacology and medical subject but i did not like :c. I like animals but not as  patients.

My experience at university until now is regular , is good because I met my friends, that I experienced with animals and I learned   many things  but too bad that is not my vocation, I feel sad in my environment, I have not studied impotence what I really love.

 I finish veterinary medicine, I would work with cows and horses because I love the countryside. I don't like caged animals, they are free!.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

chameleon : change your color !

My favorite  animals  is  ... the chameleon !
Physical description of  the chameleon : it's  extremely  slowly !never  move your  little body ! is very passive and calm.  

Is  very  beautiful  animal  because  he can change color ! he can  adapt as your context and environment , is  your  to camouflage method ,for  hide in  the tree and plants . The  chameleon lived in  Europe and Africa ( in  the deserted of Sahara  and  Madagascar) his  like different  places as well as  mountain, jungle  and savanna  ,does not  like cold place .

The  chameleon is omnivorous and  feed   of small vertebrate, arthropod and  insect for example  fly ,moth and  tiny fish and seasonal fruit but the chameleon is not hunter , only  wait your  prey...is so calm !!!

 I like it because the reptile chameleon and has so many colors in their scales! is really wonderful :D also is too passive. the chameleon is so small and defenseless  that reflect me tenderly.

 The chameleon is an animal so enigmatic! is so small and so  special <3

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

I think ...

I write on different topics for example My first topic is :
1)"  The recycling" : i think it is  very important care and to keep  for the planet. this means to use  waste as raw material and this to reduce the garbage.
Second topic is  :
2)"The violence on television" : in the television is a very common to watch war and people fighting this increases the violence in the children and in the society this is very bad because not learn to live in peace.

Third  topic is :
3)"The Chilean politicians": in Chile  the politicians are corrupt , they  not help , are parasites of the people ,i don't  like!.
Fourth topic is :
4)"The fortune telling": i believe in they :D although there are many deceivers :c but   there people  with talent .
 and my last topic  is : 
5)" The climate change" : our world dies , for our fault :c   deforest,contamination ,destruction of the ozone layer ,don´t have  ecological  conscience ...is very sad :c .