martes, 19 de junio de 2012

my favorite website !! :D

Hello classmates !! :D  how are you?  
Good!  the truth  i don´t  like the tecnology ,i am  very  primitive ! jjajaajj  but  i  use  internet  for  find  info for  the presentationes and listen to music <3.

My favorite  website  is " Listen to youtube"  your objetive is  to turn the videos  the  youtube in  format mp3 for  to extract  only  the audio , is wonderful  for me , as  i like too  the music . Always,  i am  listen  my  music   in my mp4 , is my life . also  is  very  cheap because buying a CD is too expensive !!! is  very  helpful  !!!!.
I have used  this  website  quite some time, as  is  extremely fast , economic  and very  easy !!  also  this  website don´t  require download other programs on the computer !!!! is  fantastic !.

This  website is  very helpful but i only know a tool (because  that don´t  understand and I just want to know download  :D  i am very  simple !!)  which is: convert videos of youtube in  format  MP3,  is best a  Online MP3 converter!!!!!!!!!!.

 I like  this website because is  is what I need !!!  i like the music  :D .
 I  visit it almost  every day ! as  always i listen  to music,  in the radio or tv , i search  on youtube and then  I can download   and transfer  in my mp4 , is so easy !.
Really " listen to  youtube"   together with  youtube are  my   favorites websites !!!

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

India!!!! is beautifull , is wonderlfull is ...!!!!

Hello  classmates :D i like very much this  topic. !!! this is very entertaining.The favourite  country   is ... India!! because  is a  mystical country !!!
 The truth my dream  is  travel   for the world , to know  the people, your  style of life , your  view of the world , dance ,food ,history...everything !!

I like India  because is a country  very enigmatic , many secrets !!! also  is a country   old ,  India have   beautiful places ,the culture is  philosophical , spirituality and very reflexives :D are very sensitive !!!

I know that the India  is  a country of  Asia , is almost  a sub-continent  .it  very poor , your children die  of hunger because  is a very  corrupt country ( politicians and  the traffickers ) but  although all  ,is wonderfull!!!

In India I would love known  everything !!!!!!!!!!India also  is known  for many  movies ... (Bollywood ) is  The largest producer  in the world !!! my  preferred   movie  is  : My name is  Khan and  Slumdog Millionaire
My favourite  person  is Indian : Mahatma Gandhi is  extremaly  Wise !
In India is very tipical  know  the Taj Mahal , is   a estructure beautiful and  Chhatrapati Shivaji station (50)also  i love  the Buddhist music is  quite relaxing !!!!!

In India I would love known  everything !!!!!!!!!! travel , study your philosophy  ,take  photographs ,that would not do!!!  I will live in India ! i live  together with the  nature and  in peace !
no violence , only  peace ;would be like  a Buddhist monk :D <3

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

hello !
 the truth  i don´t like  dogs  :S  because they are  very  messy and  dirty , i like cats , the are  extremely  independents  and  beautiful   jajajajaj .
My  favorite dog breeds , is  the  terrie because ,  they  are really wonderful  and there is much diversity, there differents forms ,sizes and colors ,and also  because  seem cuddly  stuffed animals  :D

The first dog breeds  is : "  Bullterrie" :is a dog very stronger ,muscular ,Short Hair ,
but in special  his face is really  particular  ,is  elongate , with small eyes and triangular.
The bullterrie  is a dog tipical of Ireland  and united kingdom
his temperament  is  passive, he like  run  , is very  fun!!!!!!!!!!!!  and  he don't is  aggresive ,is extremelly  tender   :D they are animals of company ,become depressed if they are alone :c
Typical colors : white and brown ,is very like a Dálmata.

My second, dog  breed is " Airdale terrie" is a dog  very inteligent   is used  in the hunt  of serfs    :D also the dog is very  faithful to its owner  !!! the airdale like walk and  play,  is very hyperkinetic .your personality is happy, safe but always on alert ,ideal for  children, its very quiet :D
Its colors are brown and black is similar  a rottweiler. Your face is long and flat, looks like a teddy!!!!!!!!, your body is short and strong .
The trouble with this breed is that it can suffer heart problems.

I like terrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

 well I present my picture! tatatatan!! She is my grandmother, my Lelita  :D
 is the most important person in my life, she took care of me since childhood. It is very difficult to talk about this picture, but it is the most beautiful I have ...

 In the picture is my grandmother posing with force, there are some trees and house. the truth this picture brings me beautiful memories, remember my lela, with that joy on his face, his strength, his love ... but also reminds me sad ...

 My grandmother was the one who was with me all the time, was with me when, I felt alone when I needed a hug or a kiss ... And now I really need  :c I take that photo, my sister, on vacation, was a summer before she went to heaven. 
This picture I like, by leaving my grandmother, like the queen of the world, appears to dominate and very beautiful!.

 she's the stronger of the universe is my role model. It's the best woman, the most loving, kind and hardworking!.  

 God takes care of my grandmother!!!!!!!!!!!!.

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

i love medicine (human and veterinary )!

This topic really i dont like  :/ .I don't like writing on veterinary medicine or my vocation , is  matter   very complicated  for me,  because  i not study  the career that I love u.u  .

When  i was a child i always dreamed study human medicine :) I dreamed of saving lives , to operate   and work in a hospital . I liked to imagine worked  in emergency  ...I always auscultated my toys :).

 Other career options  that I had human  medicine ( that is my vocation) , marine biology and  economy . My vocation  is very  confused  jajajaja .!

I decided study veterinary medicine  because I thought that I would like, because I had biology,pharmacology and medical subject but i did not like :c. I like animals but not as  patients.

My experience at university until now is regular , is good because I met my friends, that I experienced with animals and I learned   many things  but too bad that is not my vocation, I feel sad in my environment, I have not studied impotence what I really love.

 I finish veterinary medicine, I would work with cows and horses because I love the countryside. I don't like caged animals, they are free!.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

chameleon : change your color !

My favorite  animals  is  ... the chameleon !
Physical description of  the chameleon : it's  extremely  slowly !never  move your  little body ! is very passive and calm.  

Is  very  beautiful  animal  because  he can change color ! he can  adapt as your context and environment , is  your  to camouflage method ,for  hide in  the tree and plants . The  chameleon lived in  Europe and Africa ( in  the deserted of Sahara  and  Madagascar) his  like different  places as well as  mountain, jungle  and savanna  ,does not  like cold place .

The  chameleon is omnivorous and  feed   of small vertebrate, arthropod and  insect for example  fly ,moth and  tiny fish and seasonal fruit but the chameleon is not hunter , only  wait your so calm !!!

 I like it because the reptile chameleon and has so many colors in their scales! is really wonderful :D also is too passive. the chameleon is so small and defenseless  that reflect me tenderly.

 The chameleon is an animal so enigmatic! is so small and so  special <3

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

I think ...

I write on different topics for example My first topic is :
1)"  The recycling" : i think it is  very important care and to keep  for the planet. this means to use  waste as raw material and this to reduce the garbage.
Second topic is  :
2)"The violence on television" : in the television is a very common to watch war and people fighting this increases the violence in the children and in the society this is very bad because not learn to live in peace.

Third  topic is :
3)"The Chilean politicians": in Chile  the politicians are corrupt , they  not help , are parasites of the people ,i don't  like!.
Fourth topic is :
4)"The fortune telling": i believe in they :D although there are many deceivers :c but   there people  with talent .
 and my last topic  is : 
5)" The climate change" : our world dies , for our fault :c   deforest,contamination ,destruction of the ozone layer ,don´t have  ecological  conscience very sad :c .



martes, 24 de abril de 2012

my favourite piece of technology is ....

 The music is very important  for me , it is my life ... my favourite piece of technology MP4! because  this  has  my music , pictures ,  my texts , all my information  !! I got it on Christmas day, is a  gift of  my parents . My  mp4 is very small and useful, it  is   fabulous 
What do I use it for? Everything! in my travel , i listen to music  , to  study because  this  has  information  and pictures of  histology , it is very great! , to relax,  when I do sports , all the time !
 I use my mp4 every day until the  night !  I love it .i  like it because I need in my life !it is very entertaining.
Without my mp4 my life would be much more boring ! I don’t  like  the silence ,I get so happy  with my music !

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

my favorite singer is .....RIHANNA!

The music is very important for me ,because i'm happy but i don't like romantic music . My favorite singer is Rihanna,but i like his music,i don't like his private life and only that she was born in Barbados. Rihanna to sing pop music and electronic music with David Guetta . Rihanna is special too because your letter are a reflection of my live , your history is my history , thematic for example : indifference, love ,party ,happiness and a lot strong heart. she is an exeptionally strong woman because Rihanna was hits for your boyfriend .  My favorite song is good girl gone bad ,this song talk about of evil men and the strong of women. Rihanna is really fabulous and beautiful singer , is the best!

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

my autobiography

Marcela Vanessa Tapia Collinao was born in Santiago but her  childhood went in Villarrica and Freire City in Araucanía region .At elementary school , she studied at Francisco Bilbao school but she studied there only for one year . Later, she completed her high school studies at Maria Teresa Cancino , but it was very bad because  that school have sisters of mercy who don’t like to educate.
She is now studying veterinary medicine ,but Marcela doesn’t like it , because she in love with human medicine , her dream  is  to study in the north faculty ,and travel  there by bicycle . she loves  the animals  but  not  this study program .
 She  live with  your  mother Marcela , she  is  your  friend  because Is  extremely  understanding ,and  sister Sujey ( she is very mature) .Marcela   have  two  cats , mateo and Totty  they are  tender  and  intelligent.
Marcela  loves all kinds of music   for example pop  (Rihanna   and Beyoncé ) , Celtic , Buddhist  and Indian  music  .